Palawan EVT to DVT changes

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Palawan Rx Board changes

ECO1: Swap D11U pins

The diode D11U footprint and schematic pins are swapped. Correct this.

ECO2: Send USB pullups to VPP

The USB pullups on USBDN_RST and USBDP_LED are going to VUSB. They should instead go to VPP, otherwise USB will fail to function.

ECO3: Populate R15U with 1.5k, 10%

Enable low-speed USB operation by populating R15U with a 1.5k, 1% resistor.

ECO4: Make debug pins oval

The debug pins on the side should be made oval, for easier soldering

ECO5: Add GND, VPP debug pins

To make life easier, add pins for probing GND and VPP.

ECO6: Change silkscreen for debug pins

The J- notation is extremely useless. Use SWx/ADCx notation instead, as it's more useful.

Palawan Tx Board changes

ECO7: Decrease white LED resistor R35B to 400 Ohm

This LED isn't that bright. Decrease the resistance to around 400 ohm to brighten it up.