Palawan DVT

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Revision as of 05:38, 10 June 2017 by Xobs (talk | contribs)
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Palawan DVT represents a complete redesign. The main MCU has changed, and we now use a SoM for the radio.

Palawan Rx ECOs

  • ECO1: The LED is backwards, and should be flipped around.
  • ECO2: RFM69HW DIO0 is connected to a pin that cannot generate an interrupt. Move DIO0 to PTA12.
  • ECO3: There is a ground (and power) plane directly under the RFM69HW. This should be pulled back.
  • ECO4: The LP3982 footprint has no "Pin 1" marker. Add a Pin 1 marker.
  • ECO5: The KL02 footprint has a non-obvious "Pin 1" marker. Make it clearer.

Palawan Tx ECOs

  • ECO1: There is a stray via on the board. Run DRC prior to exporting to gerbers to repour copper.
  • ECO2: RFM69HW DIO0 is connected to a pin that cannot generate an interrupt. Move DIO0 to PTA12.
  • ECO3: The KL02 footprint has a non-obvious "Pin 1" marker. Make it clearer.