Heirloom BT pairing setup
Procedure used to prime Novena Heirloom laptops
This is run on the Novena Heirloom laptops prior to shipping to pair the BT keyboard.
- Prep laptop hardware for booting.
- Insert SD card for heirloom init
- Short across the P_EXT header
- Power on the system. It should boot to a login screen, and not a blue screen with a text menu on it
- Plug in a USB keyboard
- Type in 'root' and 'kosagi' to log in
- Start a terminal window.
- type 'systemctl stop bluetooth'
- type 'rm -rf /var/lib/bluetooth'
- type 'systemctl start bluetooth'
- type 'bluetoothctl'. You will now be in the bluetooth shell.
- In the BT shell, type 'power on'
- In the BT shell, type 'agent KeyboardOnly'
- In the BT shell, type 'default-agent'
- In the BT shell, type 'pairable on'
- In the BT shell, type 'scan on'. At this point, flick the switch on the right hand side of the BT keyboard. You should see within a few seconds the keyboard show up, with an MAC ID starting with 90:...
- In the BT shell, type 'pair 90:' and hit tab. This should tab-complete the whole BT keyboard MAC ID.
- Follow the instructions (e.g. typing into BT keyboard the 6-digit PIN followed by enter key)
- After typing in the PIN, the system should indicate the keyboard is paired.
- In the BT shell, type 'trust 90:' and hit tab.
- In the BT shell, type 'connect 90:' and hit tab.
- In the BT shell, type 'quit'
- You should now be back in the main terminal window environment.
- Mount the SSD with 'mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt'
- Install BT firmware with 'dpkg –root=/mnt -i Downloads/firmware-atheros_0.43_all.deb'
- Copy BT configuration with 'cp -a /var/lib/bluetooth /mnt/var/lib'
- Unmount SSD with 'umount /mnt'
- Shutdown the system with 'shutdown -h now'
- Power off the system, so that the orange light on the mainboard is off. This may require you to press and hold the power button for a few seconds
- Remove the SD card from the external SD card slot
- Reboot the system. It should go to a blue screen with a text menu on it.
- Hit the space bar on the bluetooth keyboard. It should automatically associate, and you can tell it's working by using the up/down arrow keys to navigate the menu.
- Turn the system off. You are now done